The Storm and The Calm

Last week we sent out a mass text asking Colton’s Army to pray for Colton as he was battling high fevers for three days. Every 4-6 hours the Tylenol he took would wear off and he would need more to supress his temperature. 

Within 24 hours of sending out that text Colton’s fevers had completely stopped.

If there is anything the start of this week has reminded us it’s to continue to go to God with thanksgiving and praise and to ask Him for what we need even when what’s in front of us doesn’t feel like it deserves credit or acknowledgment for Him being a good God. 

He has promised us that when we have the confidence to approach him and ask anything, he hears us. (1 John 5:14)

He has not stopped working. 

Satan loves what’s happening here. 

He loves the people hoarding groceries and toilet paper in their homes, he loves everyone worrying about how the bills will be paid. He loves the fear that is literally crippling people, causing destruction and disunity between friends, families and coworkers. He is here for this. 

God is not. 

He is not worried, or shaken or unsure of what’s next. 

Remember in Mark when Jesus and his disciples were crossing the lake and a fierce storm came up. High waves broke into the boat, and it began to fill with water. The disciples woke Jesus with fear in their voices shouting, “don’t you care that we’re going to drown?”  

Jesus woke, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” 

The wind stopped, and there was a great calm.

And Jesus turned to the disciples and asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you have no faith?”.

I feel like we’re all doing a disservice to not sit back and ask ourselves in a time like this who is in control of our lives? 

The God who calmed that storm is the God of today. 

The God who conquered the grave is the God of today.

The God who raised the dead is the God of today.

We are praying for peace in your homes and for gentle reminders that our God is the God of miracles(Luke 18:27), He is in control (Phillipians 4:6-7) and He is able. (Eph. 3:5)

What’s playing in our room this week;

The Blessing

Stand In Your Love

God I Look to You

God of Revival

It Is So

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