A year in review

This year; 

We paused in a lot of areas. We took time away from our jobs. We asked for more help than we ever knew we would need. We became more selective on how we invest our time. Spent an embarrassing amount of time watching shark tank. We felt loneliness. Became avid coffee drinkers. Learned a lot about faith and hope. Lost friends. Gained friends. Borrowed a lot of power tools from our parents. Wore in our bibles. Lost a lot of sleep. We argued hard. Loved harder. Ate a lot of take out. Learned to rely less on ourselves and more on God. Played soccer. Played basketball. Took vacations. Functioned on exhaustion. Argued with nurses. Read a lot of chug chug big tractor. Tip toed around a sleeping baby. We wore a lot of baggy clothes. Watched our community care for us. We took pictures. Laughed. Cried. Learned about modern medicine. Worshipped when we didn’t want to. Prayed when it hurt the most and declared God’s goodness and faithfulness when we didn’t see it prevailing. 

It was bittersweet. 

Bitter in that we felt a lot of pain. Sweet in that we know God felt that with us. 

We know He mourned with us when the doctors told us they thought Colton was relapsing.

And we know it was Him who got all the glory when the results came back negative. 

We know He cried with us when Colton developed neuropathy and was in pain.

And we know it was Him who whispered “you can get up now, it’s time to walk” when Colton took his first steps again. 

We know He grieved with us when they told us Colton had brain cancer.

And we know it was Him who claimed the victory when every test came back negative.

We know He saw us when we were tired and weary.

And we know He sent angels into our room to sing with Colton on the nights where he was restless.

So to this year we say, 

Thank you Jesus. Thank you for your new mercies every morning. Thank you for being enough to satisfy all of our deepest needs. Thank you for seeing us and knowing us. Thank you for being sovereign and gracious. Thank you for what you did on the cross and for ending all uncertainty of your faithfulness. You’re a miracle worker and you’re not done yet. And for that we say thank you. 

And to 2020, 

we’re praying for fresh eyes to continue to see God in the midst of mystery and heartbreak and good stuff and hard stuff. We’re praying for daily reminders of His compassion and righteousness. And for the days where fear seems more prevalent than faith we’re praying for our minds to be fixed on eternity. We’re praying for more people to know him and love him and for kindness and generosity to reign in our hearts. 

And for chick fil a to open on Sundays. 

Hallelujah, Amen. 

Happy New Year! 


The Dietrichs 

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