October 3, 2019

We’re in this weird limbo.


Trying to maintain the reality of drinking this cup that’s in front of us all while being so full of expectancy and anticipation that something fantastic and miraculous is around the corner.


We’ve never been more confident and more doubtful at the same time. 


We know God is not in a hurry. 

Even as painful as that is to swallow. 

But that doesn’t mean that in the waiting He isn’t still doing amazing things. 


Earlier this week I dreamed that there was angels in our room surrounding Colton, he was awake and mesmerized by them. His arms were reaching towards heaven and he was smiling his toothy grin. Right outside our window the courtyard was filled to the brim with angels ready to come in, protecting our room and going to battle on our behalf. They felt gentle to me and so tangible. I woke up to a text from my sister that she sent in the middle of the night. 


“Wide awake still and praying for angels in your room.”

There is none like our God. 

I’ve had to force myself to worship and sing out loud the past few days so my mind and heart continue to align with heaven and believe in God’s faithfulness even when my eyes don’t see it. 


Listen to our anthem for the week.



So whatever your affliction looks like, may you know that it’s not meaningless. 


“Not only is all of your affliction momentary, not only is all of your affliction light in comparison to eternity. But all of it is totally meaningful. 


Every millisecond of your pain and misery in the path of obedience is producing a peculiar Glory that you will see in Heaven. Don’t look to what is seen, look to what is unseen. It’s working for you an eternal weight of glory, therefore do not lose heart. Preach his truth and word into your mind until your heart sings with confidence that you are new and cared for.”


Today we storm the gates of heaven with this prayer. 

Even still, I will praise you. 

Lord help us focus less on the miracle and more on the miracle worker. 

And angels. More angels. 



The Dietrichs 

Morgan DietrichComment