September 22, 2019

Our time here has been hard, wonderful, painful, joyful, irritating, full of high highs and low lows. 


There is no way to describe how helpless feels.


Our hearts ache for our sweet boy who is hurting and not himself. We hate that the weather has been beautiful and Colton has been locked inside, we hate that he doesn’t have the energy to walk anymore just when he was getting started to take off on his own, we hate the food, we hate that our current hospital “home” has no lock on the door and we have no control over who comes in and when, we hate that Colton can’t bathe regularly and that once a week the doctors have to change his very sticky port bandage which rips off his skin. I could keep going on but for the sake of all things holy i’ll stop while I’m ahead.



The list of things we are rejoicing over is much longer than the list of things that suck. 


We know that God is near to the brokenhearted, so he is near to us and to our sweet boy.

We know that God healed every sick person he touched in the bible, so we are praying fervently and with zeal that he would touch Colton.

We know that God is fighting FOR US and that we need to be still.

We know that we are to be thankful in ALL things. 


For this hospital, for people smart enough and driven enough to be doctors, for modern medicine, for the community of people standing with us and declaring that you are victorious, for the person managing the community (Ashley Sider, we love you deeply), for four diamonds providing us with financial help, for diapers (what a real mess our life would be without diapers!), for pacifiers, for the ability to breastfeed, for prunes, for veggie tales and baby shark, for parents that we can tag in when we need a break, for Starbucks in the hospital lobby keeping us caffeinated and sane, for all the nurses who breathe life into us, for a gym near by, for all of the people taking care of our actual home for us (Gladfelters and Schriebers, we see you!), for our bosses being the most compassionate and understanding humans, for every person who gave to us financially, for the weighted black bear that Colton has had by his side for every procedure, injection, sleep and check up. 

We know that Colton belonged to God before he belonged to us, so we trust that his plans for him are GOOD.

We know that we have a choice to be defeated or to worship our way out of this deep valley and we are choosing to worship.

And we know at the end of the day the only thing we can promise our sweet Colton James is that Jesus is never going to leave him or forsake him. 

Thank you for praying with us and for us.
We need God desperately.


The Dietrich’s

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